Die Vision, mit den Rohstoffen möglichst sparsam umzugehen, zeigt eindrücklich, wie viel Graue Energie damit gespart werden kann. So steckt in einem LIGNATUR-Flächenelement lediglich ¼ der Grauen Energie, die für eine statisch gleichwertige Betondecke benötigt wird. Ermitteln Sie selbst die benötigte Graue Energie des gewählten LIGNATUR-Querschnitts.
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Fire resistance
Fire resistance REI30
Fire resistance REI60
Fire resistance REI90
Natural wood soffit
UV protection treatment
White glazed soffit
Soundproofing 50kg/m2 fill
Soundproofing silence12
Heat insulation
Heat insulation with mineral fibre
Heat insulation with wood fibre
Room acoustics
Acoustics Type 1
Acoustics Type 2
Acoustics Type 3
Acoustics Type 3.1
Acoustics Type 5
Acoustics Type 5.1
Acoustics Type 6
Acoustics Type 6.1
Acoustics Type 8
Acoustics Type 8.1
Acoustics Type 9
Acoustics Type 9.1
Acoustics Type 1 dynamic design
Acoustics Type 2 dynamic design
Acoustics Type 3 dynamic design
Acoustics Type 3.1 dynamic design
Acoustics Type 5 dynamic design
Acoustics Type 5.1 dynamic design
Acoustics Type 6 dynamic design
Acoustics Type 6.1 dynamic design
Acoustics Type 8 dynamic design
Acoustics Type 8.1 dynamic design
Acoustics Type 9 dynamic design
Acoustics Type 9.1 dynamic design
Surface element t = 31
Surface element t = 40
Box element LKE
Element height
Element height 120 mm
Element height 140 mm
Element height 160 mm
Element height 180 mm
Element height 200 mm
Element height 220 mm
Element height 240 mm
Element height 260 mm
Element height 280 mm
Element height 300 mm
Element height 320 mm
Element height 360 mm
After selecting from the dropdown menu, the corresponding ecological data per m² element will be displayed. The KBOB values used for this can be found in the KBOB-Bauteilkatalog-LIGNATUR overview. The visualization of your selection is simplified and does not consider the element height or the acoustic type.
Wood consumption: - kg/m2
Adhesive consumption: - g/m2